Investment Arbitration


We were involved in a variety of investment treaty arbitrations, commenced under bilateral and multilateral investment treaties, successfully representing both respondent States and investor claimants before ICSID and UNCITRAL tribunals. Our previous experience includes;


Representing Turkey in the annulment proceedings commenced before ICSID in the Libananco v Turkey case;

Representing Turkey in arbitration proceedings, as well as in the annulment proceedings, commenced before ICSID in the Tulip v Turkey case;

Representing Turkey in arbitration proceedings commenced before Stockholm Chamber of Commerce in Cem Uzan v Turkey case;

Co-representing Turkey in the annulment proceedings commenced before Stockholm courts in the Cem Uzan v Turkey case;

Representing a European country in an investment arbitration against a South-East Asian investor commenced under a BIT;

Representing Romania in the arbitration proceedings, as well as in the annulment proceedings, commenced before ICSID in the Micula et al v Romania (Micula II);

Representing a Turkish investor in arbitration proceedings commenced before ICSID in the DSG Yapı v Saudi Arabia case;

Advising a Middle-East country against a European investor in a (later withdrawn) investment arbitration proceedings commenced under a BIT.

Alp Arbitration, led by seasoned arbitration practitioner Alp Tokeşer, is an international disputes boutique in Switzerland.