Investment Planning


Our vast experience in investor-State dispute settlement provides us with a comprehensive understanding of protection of foreign investments. We use this experience to provide advice to clients on investment structuring to achieve broad international law protection for their investments.


Representing Turkey in the annulment proceedings commenced before ICSID in the Libananco v Turkey case;

Representing Turkey in arbitration proceedings, as well as in the annulment proceedings, commenced before ICSID in the Tulip v Turkey case;

Representing Turkey in arbitration proceedings commenced before Stockholm Chamber of Commerce in Cem Uzan v Turkey case;

Co-representing Turkey in the annulment proceedings commenced before Stockholm courts in the Cem Uzan v Turkey case;

Representing a European country in an investment arbitration against a South-East Asian investor commenced under a BIT;

Representing Romania in the arbitration proceedings, as well as in the annulment proceedings, commenced before ICSID in the Micula et al v Romania (Micula II);

Representing a Turkish investor in arbitration proceedings commenced before ICSID in the DSG Yapı v Saudi Arabia case;

Advising a Middle-East country against a European investor in a (later withdrawn) investment arbitration proceedings commenced under a BIT.

Representing a Turkish investor in its treaty claims under the ECT against a Central Asian State

Representing a sovereign state in its efforts to enforce an ICSID Award in Turkey

Alp Arbitration, led by seasoned arbitration practitioner Alp Tokeşer, is an international disputes boutique in Switzerland.